Today was one of those rare, warm February days here in New England and it immediately got me pining for spring. All day I couldn’t help but think of all the little joys that come with warmer weather: walking around random stores in beach towns, playing tennis, reading outside under the sun, wearing sundresses and light jackets, and sitting on patios with a few drinks and good friends. This inspired me to compile a few springtime images to cheer me up and help me through the rest of this (hopefully mild) winter. Enjoy my warm weather dreams with me!
taffy, lobster roll, ice cream heaven at the beach.
something about them always reminds me of warm weather fun.
residency on a patio with the above sangria and some of my lovely girlfriends.

Fires and s’mores by the lake are one of those things
that’s just as fun when you’re 24 as when you were 10.