Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Weekend in Review

Sadly yesterday was a sick day for this girl but even though I'm a day behind I thought I'd quickly throw together some weekend recap pictures.

It was one of my beloved three day weekends and I couldn't have been happier to spend time with the beau and the whole familia (it's a rarity to get us all together at once now that we're all "adults").

The Book of Mormon - hilariously awesome Homemade huevos rancheros - we're the beau is a breakfast making guru Family portrait day at Old North Bridge - pictures of us in our matching outfit glory to come Dropkick Murphys benefit concert Sometimes I think things are funny like sunnies on a half yard or random goats found on fences - it's the little things yo

* I really need to work on getting a real camera as cute as my often blurry iPhone pictures are.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Aziz Ansari's Coming!

Last night I received some insider information got a Twitter notification that Aziz Ansari will be in Boston this Sunday night!

100% of the proceeds will go to The One Fund Boston and The Officer Richard Donahue Fund and on top of that the Wilbur Theater will donate $9,500.

Tickets go on sale at noon today and I highly recommend you get in on the party if you live in the area. I already have my ticketmaster account cued up and an alarm on my phone set to remind me.

And if music is more your jam, Dropkick Murphy and State Radio will also be in town on Sunday for a benefit show at the House of Blues!

So get your tickets friends because both events will be incredible and in support of a great cause (but please don't steal all of them, I need to get my hands on two of them!)

Monday, April 22, 2013

Boston Strong

What a week it was for Boston.

Everything was starting to feel like it was easing back into "normal" when my phone started lighting up with notifications again as I was playing trivia out in Cambridge Thursday night. As the whole city and surrounding areas were put on a shelter in place advisory on Friday it was surreal to see normally busy neighborhoods empty and silent. The beau lives one street over from the suspects home and I spent much of the morning with a stomach ache until I got a hold of him and I couldn't believe what I was seeing as he sent me pictures of the intense police presence on his street.

There aren't words to express the thanks and immense gratitude I feel towards law enforcement and first responders. They did an incredible job in this crisis and the city will forever be in their debt. Walking around Friday night we passed the crime scene that is the suspects street and I just wanted to hug every police officer I saw.

On Saturday we ventured out to walk through the MIT campus and visited the memorial for Officer Sean Collier outside the MIT police station. We then crossed the river to pass by the festivities at Fenway and wandered all the way down to Boylston Street to visit the memorials that have popped up on either end of the street. We spent some time leaving notes for those we've lost and hanging out with the therapy dogs that were wonderfully hanging out for pets and hugs.

It was nice to be walking around in the sun but still eery to see all the police, military, tanks, and search party around Boylston and Newbury streets. Though, through the all the terrible things that occurred during the last week the feeling of togetherness that we're currently experiencing as a city is one that I hope lasts for weeks to come.

Big Papi said it best: "This is our fucking city!"

Boston Strong!