Saturday, June 29, 2013

Cattleman's - A Night in the Desert

Yesterday we ended work at a reasonable hour for the first time all week and because it was Friday we decided to make the trip into the desert to get dinner at Cattleman's.

Cattleman's was described to me as a place that serves a meal called "The Cowboy" which is a 2 lb steak. While I'm more of a modest 6 oz kinda gal I figure if you're going to be stuck in Texas for a week than you better be damned sure to get a good steak while you're here.

So we all piled into the Ford Fusion and drove off into the sunset. It was a really nice drive with some beautiful Texas scenery and cows and horses and what I decided looked like antelope. And we were all having a nice time chatting and enjoying our free night.

My attempt at photographing the animals in a car moving 80 mph

Until suddenly we realized it had been about 30 minutes longer a ride than we'd thought... And we had no cell service to check GPS to see if we were lost... And we drove through a US Customs and Border Control Checkpoint ensuring that we were all American... And we noticed that our phones were now an hour ahead because we'd somehow managed to unintentionally cross time zones... And it was getting mighty dark on that lonely "highway".

So we decided to drive another 15 minutes until we found enough cell service to use our GPS and to our dismay we discovered we were over 2 hours away from the restaurant!!!!

What??? How does that even happen?

This is what being lost in the desert looks like. Not pictured: the birds attacking our car for 15 minutes, only two actually succeeded in hitting the car.

We finally got ourselves going the right direction and two hours and a gas stop later we were finally back in Home Sweet El Paso. Cattleman's had long since closed and we were all so tired from our 4 HOUR ROUNDTRIP journey that we just went to Chili's because it was closest to our hotel. Alllllmost the same as a good ole fashioned Texas steakhouse? Nope.

That's ok though because we're coming for you after work tomorrow Cattleman's! We're not giving up that easy!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Cake pops are pretty great but surprise cake pops in Texas are even better!!

Sometimes you're having a not so great month and you're feeling like you can't control events that are happening around you. And sometimes that's a real bummer.

But sometimes you get really lucky with an AMAZING group of lady friends. And they see that you're having a not so awesome month so they decide to surprise you by shipping cake pops to your hotel room all the way in Texas to cheer you up!

And that is the absolute best :)

Thank you girls so so much, nothing makes a day better like a cake pop (or two) in bed!!

And so this pretty sunset over Mexico is for you girls, because I wouldn't know what to do without ya!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

El Paso Living

I may be stating the obvious here's freaking hot in Texas man!

It's been above 100 degrees 24 hours a day and I don't care how many people tell me "But it's a dry heat!", I'm pretty sure I sweat out at least 10 lbs of water weight today. (New diet plannn?? Are you with me ladies?!)

My purse is now a water bottle graveyard (I'm not being very green this week, sorry Captain Planet) and by the end of the day I looked like a crazy lady perching my safety glasses in front of my frizzed out top knot and limping around courtesy of my new steel toe boots - as it turns out those shoes are not built for comfort.

Basically the business trip is a dream...I even got to see some wildlife in the form of a bunch of small lizards that are everywhere here! Thrilling.

At least my room's pretty great, I have a lounge area (for my guests?) and a pretty sweet giant TV. #ballin

Soooo yup! Exciting post about life in sweaty, hot, concrete-y El Paso.

Now off to crash so I can be prepared for another 12 hour Texas day, wahoo!

See ya Monday Boston!
Dallas, I barely knew you. But your airport UNOs was a delight.
I like to view my emergency row extra leg room and lack of a neighbor as a reward from the universe for this last minute trip.
There are just so many activities to do in El Paso! Pistaschio Land sounds like the perfect fit for this nut allergy gal.
Ahh, such a peaceful and scenic view from my hotel...they really know how to utilize the concrete here.
Ready to work out in the field - after day 1 I already want to burn those boots!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Oh hey, could I interest you in a trip to the desert?

Missed my weekend recap yesterday because this girl was busy doing this:


Yup, Meesh was told yesterday morning that she had to fly to Texas for work today and as a consequence had to buy men's size 5 steel toe boots. Why men's boots? Because apparently they don't make them for lady feet which is rather rude, but thankfully Payless came to the rescue!

I'm currently writing this post courtesy of Logan Wifi and the Starbucks next to my gate and soaking in all the air conditioning I can before I'm forced into the horrible Texas heat.

In other news...

Over the weekend we had my brother's graduation party which I spent the better part of Friday and Saturday morning prepping for. I wish I had more pictures but we were so busy running around and cooking and talking to everyone I just didn't get any of people! Major womp.

Sunday I finally got to relax and wander around my beloved Davis Square and I got some retail therapy under my belt thanks consignment shopping and a random mini flea market discovery!

Stay tuned for some possible outfit posts this week because working on site in jeans and steel toe boots is basically me in my element! Read: I'm going to look ridiculous. Yay real world!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

It's raining, it's pouring...

I just heard the news that this has been the 4th rainiest June in Boston so far! Cool cool cool, summer.

To achieve such an accomplishment it's been raining every couple of days here. This has given me the perfect excuse the unfortunate side effect of me cutting back on my half marathon training (I wish this worried me more like it should). And, yes mom, I know my gym has treadmills. Stop looking at me with your judging eyes!

So, after getting soaked through Monday trying to make a run for my car after an unpredicted monsoon (keep up the good work weathermen!) and again on Tuesday because I was just getting stubborn, I slipped into my typical coping mechanism: A completely unneccessary internet hunt for cute rain gear! Because honestly what else are you supposed to do at night while marathon-ing crime dramas with your roommates (does that sound like a cry for help to anyone else? - beau come back now please!)?

Here's the best that the interwebs had to offer us to make it through this rainy June:

Hunter Rain Boot  Futai Clear Bubble Umbrella Two's Company Owl Umbrella Stand Sperry Falcon Rainboot Rain Skimmer JCrew Factory Rainy Day Ballet Flat Kate Spade Saturday Zig Zag Umbrella The North Face Allena Rain Jacket

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Happy 18th Birthday Baby Brother!

Last night we celebrated Andrew's 18th birthday in traditional Gauthier family fashion! The big day was actually on Monday but baby brother was busy traveling back from the New Balance Nationals Outdoor track meet. He's one fast kid and will continue his track career in college! (proud big sister moment)

Mumsy baked a cake and Papa Dukes grilled out and we sat around the kitchen chatting all night. It was like we were pregaming the giant party my parents are hosting this weekend to celebrate Andrew's graduation...let the good times keep on coming!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Keep the Grad Parties Coming!

It's a big month of graduation celebrations in my family!

My brother is having his enormous party this Saturday and my cousin had his party last Saturday. This means lots of BBQ fun times and lots of family time for this girl. I don't think I've got to spend this much time together with my extended family since probably Christmas and it's been a lot of fun.

Here are some snapshots with the whole family (minus my baby brother who was in North Carolina for track nationals...that kid is pretty dang fast!) at my cousins grad party beautifully decorated by my aunt. That woman is an incredible decorator, I felt like I was living inside pinterest the whole time I was there! (which is my dream come true)

Congratulations Patrick!!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Happy Father's Day

Yesterday was spent with the family chock full of lounging on the deck and grilling out. My favorite kind of family time.

Happy (belated) Father's Day to all the dad's out there. And the happiest of Father's Days to my Papa Dukes who's the best dad a girl could ever ask for!

We also got to reminisce with some snapshots my grandmother took on my parents wedding day while sitting around the fire and I'm in love with them.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Congratulations Class of 2013!!

Baby brother graduated high school!

I can't believe he's turning 18 next week and heading off to his college dorm in just a few short months. I'm so proud of him and all he's accomplished and even though he towers over me now he'll always be my baby brother.

They had a gorgeous day for the ceremony after it got bumped from the originally planned Friday night due to torrential rains. I even got a sunburn tan!! 

Plus, I got to reconnect with someone I went to high school (and middle school, and elementary school) with who now teaches at good ole Westford Academy. We went full circle and I got a  picture of him with my brother. He told some of his students that we graduated together and the "Woooaaahh" response we got made me feel super old. When did I get old enough for stuff like this?

Can't wait to visit you in college Andrew!! Better save some guest swipes at the cafe for me!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

What To Get Dad

Father's Day snuck up on me again and I'm still debating over what to get my favorite dad.

He's always been a difficult one to shop for, refusing to ever "want" anything every time I ask or simply saying he could use some new socks or white t-shirts. No I'm not giving you that for Father's Day dad, that makes me sad.

My dad does so much for everyone and expects so little in return and I want to find him the perfect thing. So I've been scouring the interwebs for inspiration and this is the list I've compiled for possible gifts so far:

Timex Vintage Field Army Watch  Whisky Stones Red Sox Tickets Beats by Dr. Dre Wooden iPhone Dock Vintage Bocce Ball Set Copper Wild Bird Feeder Irish Linen Pinstripe Tie Wooden Beer Caddy