Monday, November 21, 2011

Gym? What’s that?

After talking about it for at least two months I finally found myself standing at the front desk of a gym one day, handing over my credit card so I can watch 30 Rock while on the elliptical. Now that I’ve successfully gone a couple of times every week, taken a few classes, and had a personal trainer give me a limp I think I’ve earned the right to go shopping for some cute gym clothes! Lulu Lemon has yoga pants that I would wear to work every day if they didn’t insist on a business casual dress code and Old Navy has some great work out tops according to their latest sing-along commercials. Here are my current gym must-haves:

Lulu Lemon Groove Pant

If I’m going to sweat and turn beat red at the gym

I might as well wear a cute compression top while I’m at it.

Technically, these are not a must-have since they are already in my possession

but these lightweight FAAS 300 Running Shoes from Puma are the best things to ever happen to my feet.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Hello stove, let me introduce myself...

As the saga to live up to my New Years resolution (read: early November resolution) to make food for myself that requires me to do more than put it in the microwave for 2 minutes, I decided to make myself Chicken Zucchini Alfredo on Monday. This decision was based on an my strong desire to wear my adorable Anthropologie apron (a gift from my amazing friend Amy), my love of zucchini, and the fact that the Food Network labeled the recipe as “easy”. Although this seemed like something that would be difficult to massacre the idea of making an alfredo sauce from scratch scared me enough to pick up an Amy’s organic frozen dinner as a back up plan. Luckily I can report that Amy’s frozen dinner was not necessary and my dinner turned into a delicious success! Check out my (sometimes less than stellar) food photography:

I would’ve been happy just eating all of these for

dinner once they were all sautéed up.

The most terrifying part of the process…

alfredo sauce (dun dun dunnnn)

Success! It turned out delicious and now I have at least one

go-to dinner recipe in my back pocket if necessary.

Hello adorable apron that makes cooking

just that much more fun!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Football Goodies

I swear I love writing on this thing. Due to some unforeseen extended hours at my place of business, leaving my friends wondering if I’m still alive, I have had little time to write. Though, thanks to the power of smart phones, I have stored lots of little blogging ideas and pictures for when I reemerged into society. So without further adieu…

Football is one of the few joys I get out of the cold weather seasons but how can I complain when it brings me delicious food, good natured yelling at my TV (I’m looking at you Eli Manning), and the opportunity to plot how beautiful my wedding to Tom Brady would be (come on, you know you do too). Even though I make a mean grilled cheese I’ve recently been trying to get more adventurous with my cooking skills and the Patriots-Giants game sounded like the perfect opportunity to ease into it. This Sunday I regaled my guests with homemade salsa, guacamole (which I sadly can’t find my picture of womp womp), kale chips, and snickerdoodle cookies and it turned out pretty gosh darn good thankyouverymuch. Next conquest? Chili.

Extra spicy salsa yummm

They may not look like your ideal chip but they come out

so light and crunchy you’ll fall in love instantly.

Snickerdoodles! If you don’t love these cookies for

the name alone you’re crazy in my book.