Monday, August 6, 2012

Things I like...Instant Film!

Growing up I was sadly at the tail end of the Polaroid camera era (though I did have the slightly lamer i-Zone camera version...why do I want teeny sticky pictures? I don't know!). In recent years I've found myself lusting over the original instant camera and my need to get my hands on one of those bad boys has increased ten-fold since I've started reading Rockstar Diaries. She seems to take the most impressive pictures with hers and her wall of polaroids is a point of jealousy for me.

Luckily I've stumbled upon The Impossible Project in my quest for my very own Polaroid camera and they offer a variety of cameras and film for people like me who are weirdly obsessed with instant film photographs. I had three cameras in my cart until I realized maybe I should do a little research so this is my call to action...if you have any insight on the different types of cameras please help a girl out!

Here are my top contenders:

One Step Close Up PX Film Kit
Express Camera Cool Kit
Redstripe Camera Cool Kit

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