Thursday, September 27, 2012

It's Arts and Crafts Time Time!

So....this happened.

Ok, it may not look too bad there but by midnight I was quickly losing interest in my assembly line.

One of my best friends in the world is getting married this spring and as co-Maid of Honor (yea, there are two of us...there could be a power struggle) the responsibilites are really starting to get going. I'm currently in the midst of bridal shower planning and while I like to think I'm an arts and crafts goddess it usually turns into a bigger project than I anticipated.

A few weeks ago I thought to myself..."I need a good project to keep me busy, how about I make the invitations and then stuff them and mail them all out??" Well gosh darn it, what a great idea Michelle!

And it was a great idea until the envelope stuffing portion began at 10 PM... Is there a catering tasting portion I can participate in instead? (Though the invitations themselves came out faaannntastic if I do say so myself - I'm basically an Adobe Illustrator genius) Three hours later I was cursing the label and envelope glue inventors of the world but my masterpieces were finally finished!

I really can't wait for her shower though, to envy her three new toasters watch her open all her presents and play silly games the internet told me are perfect for these things. But mostly I'm just excited for her wedding already!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

It's rally cap time!

I know what you're thinking... "Cool, you went to Fenway again. Booorrrriiinnnggg". I get it. But what can I say, the Red Sox are my first love ever since I started watching games with my dad when I was but a wee little girl.

Also, when a friend calls you with free tickets cus they're handing them out like candy right now you say yes. (Although there was the catch of taking her bosses German exchange student to get the tickets - good thing I'm a weirdo who's obsessed with Germany and did an exchange there in high school huh?)

Free activities are my favorite! Especially when free activities include a fall night at a ball park, beer, hot dogs, and quality time with my darling friend.

BONUS: William Shatner and Brian Evans were there to film a music video that included Steven Seagal...I mean is that not the best combo of people ever or what??

Good news though! Today's the last home game of the season so this is my last Fenway posting till next spring...womp womp. What are other good fall activities?

The 2004 Championship team was there!

Dinner of Champions - did I buy french fries just because they came in a cool plastic hat? Yes.
Did I forget the hat at the stadium? Maybe...

My peach Nora and me

Rally Karaoke Guy Kevin Millar was there to help in the 9th - too bad we still lost...

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Apples Apples Everywhere!

This past Saturday marked the official first day of fall. While I'm sad to see my beach days behind me I was excited to kick the season off in good ole New England picking!!

Though I was sweating to death in my apple picking appropriate mid 70s inappropriate boots and sweater ( is for the weak) ensemble I had a wonderful Saturday afternoon with some of my all time favorite people. We climbed ladders to get the best apples up top, bought way too many apple cider donuts, and viewed the petting zoo from afar to avoid the screaming children strung out on caramel apples.

Basically this weekend was New England fall perfection. Can't wait for pumpkin picking time so I can pretend I'm going to carve it and then leave it on the counter for a couple of weeks to admire it from a knife-free distance.

She's basically a seasoned vet - look at that form

Honey Pot Hill Orchard - Stow, MA

Getting the best Macs up top, Brooke knows what's up

Mmmm delicious - what should I bake with all my goods?

Friday, September 21, 2012

This week I...

Due to several 10-12 hour work days this week I've sadly been lacking in the "exciting" activities department.  To cheer myself up I thought I'd make a mini collage of the few highlights I snuck in around my jam-packed wine on the couch evenings watching TLC.

So kiddies, even though it's been a kind of slow week I did get a few fun tidbits in here and there:
  • Biked around the city- hubway's my new jam
  • Hunted for a missing unicorn - you can't just have those things wandering around loose ya know!
  • Attempting to be a domestic goddess and make homemade guacamole for football (the Patriots shockingly lost and no, I don't want to talk about it)
  • Cool enough weather to rock my mukluks again!
  • A fun shuffleboard outing accompanied by pitchers of Harpoon IPA downtown (the shuffleboard part makes me sound 65 so I'm hoping the drinking portion of the evening brings me down to at least the 35 age bracket)  

I hope you're week's been a little less work filled and a little more fun filled than mine but if not...then good news friends...the weekend's just a few hours away so here's to us this weekend!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Little Things - Fall Edition

Now that the weather is resistant to being anywhere near 80I've accepted my cold weather fate. It appears there's nothing left to do but to start prepping my closet for fall and though I'm sad to push my sundresses to the back, my boots and sweaters are like long lost friends that are fresh and fun again! But what are long lost friends without a couple of new ones to play with too?

Two pairs of boots and a jacket later and I feel like I've just barely cracked the surface. Although, until I win the lottery it looks like I'm gonna have to pace my shopping problem habits. (I smell a nice leather tote I can fit my laptop in in my future friends.)

Here are my current shopping "conquests" and shopping "to dos". What are you closet plans for the cold weather?


1. Coconuts Blakely Wide Calf Riding Boot - DSW
2. Evilsizer Black Boots - Call It Spring
3. Combined Wool Jacket - Zara

To Do

1. Mulberry Legging Jeans - Gap
2. Paige Pinking Shears Tote - Banana Republic
3. Oversized Boyfriend Sweater - Gap

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Fenway Franks are the Key to My Heart

Last night I was lucky enough to snag some Red Sox vs. Yankees tickets behind home plate thanks to my lovely Papa Dukes. And who am I to say no to some pretty sweet free tickets? (even if baseball isn't really the Sox's sport this season)

I always love going to baseball games, the atmosphere and comradery inside the parks is one of my favorite things ever!

I also find that it's fun to turn the evening into an eating and drinking marathon. The trick, my friends, is to pace yourselves. My favorite stadium staples are:

- Personal Papa Gino's Pizzas (the box then doubles as a "K" sign - more bang for your buck kids!)
- Fenway Franks (if you don't get one of these at Fenway you're not a real person)
- soft pretzels (does anything go better with overpriced beer than a giant soft pretzel??)

Then on your way out its almost mandatory to get a sausage from street vendors to congratulate yourself for a job well done and to delay fighting the mob trying to get back on the T.

So, even though the Sox put up a valiant fight lost to the Evil Empire last night it will always be a fun night out for coaching from the stands and consuming as many calories as humanly possible. Can't wait for hockey season to start to work on the Garden's delicious food staples!

Sitting behind home plate qualifies you to coach from the stands.

My overexcited attempt to photograph Bobby V yelling at an ump.
(blurry pics are how you get recognized as a serious photographer)

Joe the Sausage Guy was ready and waiting for my post game treat!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Dessert Makes Everything Better

So, admittedly it hasn't been the most stellar past week and a half. Between my body rejecting me with various ailments and having my emotions getting punched in the face I haven't been in the best of moods. Luckily I have some of the best girlfriends in the world who see a downtrodden comrade and say "Hey! Let's go eat our feelings with wine, molten cheese dishes, and dessert goodness!" Say no more friends, I'll be there in a hot second.

Hopefully I've reached the turnaround point but it's always reassuring to know your friends will be there to order one too many desserts with you. Here's to a better weekend with friends, fun times, and fabulous new fall clothes (more on my two new delicious pairs of fall boots later...I think I may be in a relationship with them).

Also, this little Korean gem makes everything better. If you're having a bad day just put this on repeat and dedicate some time to dancing with your new best friend Psy. You'll thank me later.