Wednesday, September 26, 2012

It's rally cap time!

I know what you're thinking... "Cool, you went to Fenway again. Booorrrriiinnnggg". I get it. But what can I say, the Red Sox are my first love ever since I started watching games with my dad when I was but a wee little girl.

Also, when a friend calls you with free tickets cus they're handing them out like candy right now you say yes. (Although there was the catch of taking her bosses German exchange student to get the tickets - good thing I'm a weirdo who's obsessed with Germany and did an exchange there in high school huh?)

Free activities are my favorite! Especially when free activities include a fall night at a ball park, beer, hot dogs, and quality time with my darling friend.

BONUS: William Shatner and Brian Evans were there to film a music video that included Steven Seagal...I mean is that not the best combo of people ever or what??

Good news though! Today's the last home game of the season so this is my last Fenway posting till next spring...womp womp. What are other good fall activities?

The 2004 Championship team was there!

Dinner of Champions - did I buy french fries just because they came in a cool plastic hat? Yes.
Did I forget the hat at the stadium? Maybe...

My peach Nora and me

Rally Karaoke Guy Kevin Millar was there to help in the 9th - too bad we still lost...

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