Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day Weekend

It's Monday again! Womp.

Luckily I had one of my beloved three day weekends and I spent it wisely frands. Friday was gorgeous out and the beau and I had a much needed spa date and then wandered aimlessly around Cambridge because it was too nice to be inside (and he leaves for three months this week and I'm sad and make him do fun things with me).

The rest of the weekend was a mixture of drinks and snacks at a new discovery, seeing the new Iron Man movie, learning that I make a mean potato latke, lounging on the couch with Netflix, and spending some quality time with the fam for Mother's Day/Grammy's Birthday. - Basically nailed the weekend if I do say so myself.

My favorite part of Mother's Day was when my Grandmother started pulling out old baby pictures and old pictures of herself and my Grampy. Hearing stories about how they met and seeing pictures of my Grampy when he was in the Navy always makes me happy.

Hope you all had equally wonderful weekends!

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