Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Heerrreee fishy fishy fishy!


The rain finally let up yesterday which meant it was time to venture into town to find my favorite candy shop ever. Six bars of nut free chocolate and a variety of other old school candies later we finally left the shop (though I'm sure I'll be back at least once more this week) and wandered through some of the tourist shops until we found our way to the local tavern. I've found one of the many benefits of being an adult on vacation with your parents is that they enjoy having a drinking buddy who's always down to order apps and beers with you.

Later we got brother and cousin to meet us at the local brick oven pizzeria for some deliciousness and papa dukes and I spent the remainder of the evening fishing. Big news of the day....I caught my first fish of the week! It was just a little yellow perch but I was very proud of my little fish.

Happy Wednesday all!

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