Monday, September 30, 2013

Rock 'n' Roll

Yesterday was the big day and we survived!

Elise and I ran our first half marathon and absolutely killed it. We stayed together throughout the whole race and kept a solid 10 min/mile pace - finishing in 2:16. Not too shabby if you ask me.

It surprisingly wasn't nearly as painful as I had feared (though I think adrenaline carried me through a lot of it) and I even found myself saying "I'd do this again" at the end. We were in such high spirits still at mile 7.5 that we were taking pictures of each other and the fog on the river.

All in all, we're feeling pretty gosh darn good about ourselves I must say :)

WaterFire the night before
The start line
Oh hey Elise, how you liking mile 7?
We did it!!
Free beer! Michelob Ultra is the beer of runners I guess
Atlas Genius - the live bands every mile wer pretty fun

Friday, September 27, 2013

Friday Funny

I don't have a funny YouTube video this week, instead I decided to go with a funny story.

The story? - I'm running my first ever (and probably last) half marathon on Sunday. Ahh!!

If I survive I'll be posting pictures that will likely depict me weeping. Good news is that they offer you a free beer when you finish so....that's motivation I guess?

Have a good weekend frands!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


As an added bonus last week, my brother and his girlfriend let me stay at their place in CT the night before the wedding to break up my drive. While I always love getting to see them I have to be honest that I was most excited to meet the newest member of the family - Sutton!

They adopted Sutton on Thursday and he's such a gentleman. To say that I'm obsessed with my new nephew is an understatement.

How could you not love the face of that sweetheart??

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

You can't spell life without LI

This past weekend I made the journey down to Long Island to celebrate Whitney and Joe's wedding. They're such a gorgeous couple who have been together for 12 years!! The ceremony was beautiful, right on the water, and the reception was an incredible party. The best part was probably getting to see some of my college friends that I rarely get to see anymore because we live so far apart.

The new Mr. and Mrs.!
Some of my QU ladies (why so blurry camera?)
Aww the beau and I clean up nice 

The rest of the weekend was spent in Brooklyn with the beau (my favorite kind of weekend) and we made some fantastic discoveries such as Smorgasburg which is the Brooklyn Food Flea Market and Barcade (a bar + walls lined with old school arcade games = genius). 

You're a real looker NYC
A view of all the food tents from my 25 minute long brisket line...
Donkey Kong! This was harder than I remembered

Now back till reality I suppose, until it's time for another weekend adventure...

Monday, September 23, 2013

Till next time

During my last two days in San Diego I balanced out a solid day of beach time with some education in the form of wandering the museums at Balboa Park. As it turns out, falling asleep on the beach before applying sunscreen has some consequences but it was worth every weird tan line. (Jessie's dermatologist boyfriend had a near stroke when he saw me that night)

Sadly it was finally time to return to real life after five days in paradise but luckily Jessie will be living there for at least three years so there will be plenty more visits. Till next time San Diego!

My first In-N-Out experience - animal style of course
Balboa Park
I came for the dinosaurs, I stayed for the mammoths
Because I'm a weirdo and obviously paid extra to gain access to the torture museum...
BEERology's like they know me here
In case you were confused about the difference?

Friday, September 20, 2013

Coronado Island

Coronado is a beautiful island with amazing views of the San Diego skyline. It's the perfect place to pack a lunch, wander around town and, of course, explore the beach. So naturally we crossed the famous Coronado Bridge and did just that.

Coronado Bridge
Reunited and it feels so good!

That night we picked up Jessie's boyfriend (who was being a good doctor and studying all day) so we could hit up some of the famous San Diego microbreweries. I was foolishly unaware of all the delicious beers being brewed up out in California and Jessie was quick to teach me. We hit up Green Flash and Ballast Point and they did not disappoint. With $1 tasters we ordered multiple flights so we could taste as many beers as possible.

Beach, beers, and friends...a mighty fine day if you ask me!