Monday, September 23, 2013

Till next time

During my last two days in San Diego I balanced out a solid day of beach time with some education in the form of wandering the museums at Balboa Park. As it turns out, falling asleep on the beach before applying sunscreen has some consequences but it was worth every weird tan line. (Jessie's dermatologist boyfriend had a near stroke when he saw me that night)

Sadly it was finally time to return to real life after five days in paradise but luckily Jessie will be living there for at least three years so there will be plenty more visits. Till next time San Diego!

My first In-N-Out experience - animal style of course
Balboa Park
I came for the dinosaurs, I stayed for the mammoths
Because I'm a weirdo and obviously paid extra to gain access to the torture museum...
BEERology's like they know me here
In case you were confused about the difference?

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