Monday, June 9, 2014

Annddd I'm back!

Based on several requests and how much I missed writing I'm going to start trying to dedicate more time to this little blog of mine and stop blaming long work hours on my neglect of this thing.

Plus, there has recently been some good material to work with: I became single, I briefly thought I found an all star replacement which crashed and burned like woah, and then I begrudgingly decided to jump into the online dating world. And let me tell you what, it is gruesome out there.

At first I was embarrassed to admit I had joined the masses online but the more I do it, the better the stories seem to get. So I figured what the heck, I'll embrace it and share the madness with you ('you' being my three friends and parents who read this haha)

Currently enrolled in:

  • OKCupid

Aggressive? Maybe. Time consuming? For sure. Enjoyable? 25% of the time. Hilarious? Always.

So far I've probably had about 5-6 dates and yes, I'm still single. It is survival of the fittest out there so buckle up and prepare for some terror as you join me on my attempts to not die alone (along with some more of my usual posts about shenanigans and flea markets I regularly attend)!

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