Wednesday, June 11, 2014

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet

It's finally happened. I've finally received the email of all online dating emails - I wrangled myself a poet!

Without any prompting this fine young gentleman kindly "liked" one of my photos (thankya kindly) and then immediately after sent me a two page love note. This may be the pinnacle of my online dating career friends:

"I'm originally from Northern Portugal, from a city almost seven hundred years older than this beautiful country we live in... I still have a place in my name there... In truth, I will always maintain a place there... my very essence is part of that soil, my blood is to rich in its people, language, and culture to be completely distilled of it...Yet, long has it been since I was just of one true place... Like a second mother, one can say, " Lady Liberty, held me to her heart... And whispered into my ear...awoke/opened my eyes to promise, dreams, and hopes... Only now I can truly appreciate..." 

"If it matters which in these days it tends most, I'm stocky of body...kind of Celtic in figure since my real father's side is from Northern Portugal and The Provence of Galicia in Spain...My body is made for the cold and mountain like truth if you strap a plow on me, I'm a pretty decent work mule...I'm strong enough and ((( awkward facial expression ))) stubborn enough not to give up on the task at hand...though Latin by birth I tan like a true Irishman..." 

He just gets me, you know?

1. I can see his teeth in photos
2. Vacation home opportunity?
3. True love

1. I prefer when guys ignore me for as long as possible until I have a panic attack that they hate me and will never message me again. That's how I know I really like someone and I feel like this charming young man will be far too accessible.
2. I don't understand mules...donkey + horse = boyfriend material?
3. See number 1.

Soooo it may not work out between us but I've gotta say that I at least admire his passion and pursuit of finding "the one". I just feel like my intense sarcasm and his love of life aren't gonna mesh well. Bonus is that he's really set the bar for my date tomorrow night to succeed without much effort - way to go team!

In other news
In lieu of my cancelled date last night KRo and I decided to treat ourselves to "The Fault in Our Stars". Popcorn, wine nips (shhh), a fresh pack of tissues, Sour Patch Kids, an epic stomach ache from all the junk food, and a good cry is just what the doctor ordered.

And let me tell you was. so. good! If you haven't read the book yet - read it. (And then rush to theaters to go see the movie) It's short enough you can whip through it in a couple of days and the story is incredibly sweet and touching - definitely a great summer read. If my dating tales are depressing this will restore your faith in true love.

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