Friday, March 9, 2012

Hi, my name’s Michelle and I’m…

I'm a Container Store addict. There, I said it.

Though this statement may not shock my family and friends (and would do nothing but please my equally OCD mother) it is becoming more and more of a reality in my life.

What is there not to love…Adorable and absolutely necessary office supplies? Check. Closet organizers that make you wish your closet was the size of your bedroom? Check. Mason jars that you’re not sure what to fill with yet but obviously need at least 10 of? Check.

Though I’m starting to worry for both my mental health and my wallet nothing stops me from drooling over every catalog and email they send me.

Recently I spent a lovely evening reorganizing my closet with hanging shelves that I found on my doorstep as if it were Christmas morning (or I ordered them, it’s hard to differentiate between me buying myself things and Christmas sometimes). It came out fabulously if I do say so myself:

Ooos and aahs may commence now.

Here are just a few other things currently on my Container Store wishlist:

Candy, cookies, sugar, cereal…this thing is just dying for me to fill it with treats.

If this isn’t the most attractive way to store shoes then I don’t know what is.

A classier alternative to the usual cork bulletin board (in my professional opinion).

Loving a woven laundry basket may not make me the coolest person ever

but I think it’d at least make doing laundry a little less like torture.

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