Monday, December 3, 2012

Club Belmont's Christmas Tree

Since Saturday marked the official first day of December and there was light snow fall we decided it was the perfect winter day to get Club Belmont's Christmas Tree.

Last year we had a magnificent small fake tree because the thought of dragging in a tree bigger than us seemed like a lot of extra work. But thanks to our new roomies a real tree was to be had this year!

So we packed up the Jeep with whoever was available (four out of six ain't bad!) and as many holiday tunes as Pandora had to offer and we were off to cut down our own tree!

Oh yes, we're no wimps buying precut trees over at Club Belmont, we cut those bad boys down Griswold family style. (note: I was somehow allowed the honor of carrying our tree saw - basically a lumberjack now)

After several laps around the lot lost in our indecision we finally found the perfect one to bring home with us. We each took a turn cutting it down and it's a beauty!

Just got to decorate it and make it look like Christmas exploded in our house now, at least it smells heavenly in the meantime!

Club Belmont's tree drying off in it's new home - welcome friend!

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