Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Sometimes you just need some wine...

Recently there was a call for wine and who am I to say no to a nice glass of Pinot (or two, or three...counting's hard).

This is pretty serious business so my lady frand Amy and I decided we were long overdue for one of our classic Cheesecake Factory get togethers - made famous back in our super cool high school years.

I'm not sure what happens when you get older but it seems harder and harder to make plans with friends. Maybe I'm just bad at it but it seems we let things like work, relationships, stress, lack of money, and all around tiredness get in our way and I'm the number one culprit. *Gasp!*

I'm so embarassed to say that the words "I'm just so tired, work was rough today" have been used many a times as an excuse and I've been trying (key word here - I'm work in progress people!) to be better about it.

So wine and cheesecake it was!

Needless to say we caught up on the important topics of work, boys, life, etc and it's so nice to be able to just laugh about things. I need to remember this next time I'm "too tired".

So friends this is my call to action! More date nights with each other and less tired nights catching up on TLC (though often also very therapeutic). 

We were so proud of ourselves for taking the most flattering pictures of our gluttony so clearly I posted the evidence of us in all our glory on my lil bloggy. - Sorry Amy! At least we think we're funny amIright??

My plate post Cheesecake Massacre 2012

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