Monday, November 26, 2012

If One Thanksgiving's Good, Two Must Be Better!

Happy Monday after Thanksgiving break all!

After a glorious 5 day weekend full of food, naps, football, family, and friends my body's still in recovery mode. We ate until it hurt and spent lots of time just hanging out in the kitchen. It was holiday perfection.

My family even has the ingenious tradition of "Second Thanksgiving" where more people come over my parent's house the Friday after Turkey Day and we have a giant lasagna dinner with even more desserts. Heavenly!

I highly recommend adopting this second dinner party. A second day to eat till you burst and more leftovers...need I say more?

This weekend was then full of lazy movie marathons interrupted only by the creation of many turkey sammies, the reheating of lasagna, and quick winter-y walks to get hot chocolates and coffees.

I hope you all had a happy and healthy Thanksgiving also! Let the countdown to Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanza/New Years begin!

Dining room ready and waiting Papa Dukes carving up our Tom Grammy helping herself My ambitious plate (round 1) A sampling of treats Second Thanksgiving Lasagna #2 Second Thanksgiving Lasagna #1 Post Massacre  Lemon Meringue Pie (no need to share, I'll take care of this one guys) 

*Note: My family's super resistant to letting me photograph them, especially while eating...ergo more food pictures! It's something I'm gonna have to work on or just get better at sneaking pictures...

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