Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A Night in the Life

It has been well documented that I'm a very active sleeper. I've been walking and talking in my sleep since I was a kid (even had a night terror here and there - the parentals loved those). The beau thinks I should do a sleep study because I'm so chatty.

Flashback to last night when I was a busy little bee to my own disadvantage. My night time adventures ended with me waking up in a "I'm so late" panic because I was already supposed to be at work. Wondering what happened I started searching for my phone to see if the alarm just never went off but I couldn't find it...

5 minutes later I found it buried at the bottom of my purse, turned completely off with my alarms also turned off. Cool sleepwalking Michelle, that is not helpful during the work week but I'm glad you decided I needed more sleep today.

It makes me wonder what else I was up to last night since I often do fun activities like make breakfast and try to get dressed for the day. Both of which would've been helpful this morning in my lateness but, of course, neither happened this time.

Weird sleep habits example: I was out cold in this picture and the beau thought it was funny he could open my eye and I wouldn't wake up. Thanks man!

Super flattering picture of super sleepy me.

Till next time sleepwalking Michelle!

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