Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Yesterday I spent the morning in a bad mood. I was frustrated with a non functioning work computer, I was grumpy that I couldn't celebrate Marathon Monday because I had to be at work, I was upset with someone close to me over something silly, and I was all around being a sour puss.

Then my phone started lighting up with tweets of breaking news. My Facebook was going crazy with updates from people who were there and with loved ones trying to get in touch with others. A group email to my roommates was circulating quickly to make sure everyone was safe. Texts and calls were coming in from friends and family living all across the country making sure that I hadn't decided to go down and celebrate the runners. It was a crazy afternoon trying to wrap my mind about what had just happened and constantly checking the news to get any information I could.

The events at yesterday's marathon are unbelievable and my heart is breaking for my city. The amount of love and concern expressed from people everywhere is touching and to see us get together as a city and a nation to help one another is truly inspiring in the wake of such terror. Things were really put into perspective after my pity party of a morning and I realized those things that I thought were ruining my day really were nothing but silly little things. Now all of my thoughts and prayers are with the victims of yesterdays senseless act.

So here's to you Boston. We are a strong city and will bounce back stronger than ever. I hope we find those responsible and can bring them to justice because they messed with the WRONG city.

Love you all.

How to help:
  • Donate blood - People have been unbelievably generous and there were reports of runners yesterday who just continued running to the hospital to donate blood after the bombings. You can donate blood here.
  • Open your home - There have been thousands of residents generously opening their homes to runners who have been stranded. You can fill out this form if you have space you can offer up.
  • Share Information - If you know anything or have any pictures of videos please contact the Boston Police Department's tip line: 1-800-494-TIPS or the FBI at 1-800-CALL-FBI

Photo credit: @BostonTweet

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