Thursday, November 7, 2013

Life Lately

I've been saying it in the past couple of posts but life's been really crazy lately. But it's the good kind of crazy. 

The kind of crazy where I'm swamped at work but finally happy with what I'm doing. 

The kind where I'm getting a lot of dates with friends full of laughter and good talks. 

The kind where birthday parties don't question party hats and all attendees wear them with complete seriousness. 

And the kind where family dinners involve home made apple pie and a fire with Mumsy and Papa Dukes.

Work outing - I could get used to this new gig 
I don't hate the view from my new office
Birthday drinks are best enjoyed from mustached glasses
If you don't try and fit all the candles on the cupcake you're not doing it right
Ladies night at my new fave spot - Beat Hotel

We're almost to the weekend...I hope you all are having equally good kinds of crazy!

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