Friday, September 21, 2012

This week I...

Due to several 10-12 hour work days this week I've sadly been lacking in the "exciting" activities department.  To cheer myself up I thought I'd make a mini collage of the few highlights I snuck in around my jam-packed wine on the couch evenings watching TLC.

So kiddies, even though it's been a kind of slow week I did get a few fun tidbits in here and there:
  • Biked around the city- hubway's my new jam
  • Hunted for a missing unicorn - you can't just have those things wandering around loose ya know!
  • Attempting to be a domestic goddess and make homemade guacamole for football (the Patriots shockingly lost and no, I don't want to talk about it)
  • Cool enough weather to rock my mukluks again!
  • A fun shuffleboard outing accompanied by pitchers of Harpoon IPA downtown (the shuffleboard part makes me sound 65 so I'm hoping the drinking portion of the evening brings me down to at least the 35 age bracket)  

I hope you're week's been a little less work filled and a little more fun filled than mine but if not...then good news friends...the weekend's just a few hours away so here's to us this weekend!

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