Thursday, January 3, 2013

Oh hello 2013!

 Happy 2013!!!!

After a whirlwind of a holiday season and a glorious week and a half off of work I'm back in the real world.

My holidays and New Year were absolutely wonderful! Full of my favorite people, amazing food, fun gift giving, hiding out from snow storms, and some serious quality time just hanging out. I hope everyone was as fortunate and happy this past holiday season!

This New Years was the first one in a couple of years where we didn't have tickets to a big party downtown and instead made plans for us to split time between different friends' parties. Though, in typical Michelle fashion, my plans did not come to pass (womp)

Instead we decided at the last minute to see a friend play in the AMAZING Animal Hospital Ensemble down at Boston's First Night (check them out yo) and then went to a party nearby and I couldn't have been happier. A little too much champagne was nagging me the following day but nothing a little shepherd's pie at the nearest Irish pub couldn't fix (mashed potatoes are the cure of all evil)

I'm admittedly very bad at New Years resolutions (both making and keeping them) but after reading the resolutions of my favorite bloggers I felt inspired to come up with two goals for 2013:

1. Be positive.
2. Say yes.

I have a bad habit of fearing that the worst will happen wayyyyy too often (I should get an award for my all star worrying abilities) and what better time to break bad habits than New Years? And I think starting to say yes to things (even those that scare me) will help me with this goal. I like to think that I'm a yes person but sometimes I think being a perpetual planner can get in my own way so I want to say yes to more impromptu things and I'm hoping this will lead me to incredible experiences I could never just plan.

So here's to a Happy New Year to all! I hope your holiday season was everything you wanted it to be and that your off to a great start in 2013!

Just a little peek at the past week and a half of vacation:
1. Bonfire outside of CBC 2. My love affair with All Star Pizza Bar continues.
3. Snow's not my favorite but this was perfect snow ball packing material. 4. My new boots from Santa came just in time!

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