Wednesday, September 11, 2013

It's a Club Belmont Birthday!

Today I'd like to take a moment to remember all those we lost twelve years ago and thank all those who put their lives at risk in order to help others, showing how good people truly are...

On a different we get to celebrate my roomie Mike's 28th birthday! I've known Mike since I was born (thanks to our parents being friends) and he's had to tolerate me ever since because his sister and I insisted on being best friends. We'll be honoring his birth by going to a local watering hole that offers delicious pizza and pitcher specials - aka Club Belmont's jam.

This inspired me to finally whip up a batch of Earl Grey Infused Gin last night (gin and tonic is Mike's beverage of choice). I've been dying to try making it at home ever since I got my first taste down in NYC and it's was surprisingly easy enough for even this girl to throw together.

Watch out friends, there may be infused alcohol under everyone's Christmas trees this year now that I think I'm crafty!


Steep four tea bags in the gin for two hours - I know it looks gross but trust me, so worth it
Use your fancy new funnel set to transfer your gin to a clean, new bottle.
Mix with some tonic water and a lemon and enjoy!

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