Thursday, August 16, 2012

They say it's your birthday! We're gonna have a good time!

This past week has been a crazy one and I've been a lucky girl with friends and family who've kept me busy celebrating my 25th birthday. Yes, that's right I am now officially 25 which is a quarter of a century which means: I. am. OLD.

The fact that I am now an old lady was cemented last night when our waiter did not card my friend Amy and I while we were dining out to celebrate our respective days of birth (her birthday is two weeks before mine soooo Happy Birthday Amy!!) We decided it was because he could see the years of wisdom in our eyes...
*disclaimer: Although, just a few days before this incident I was asked if I was enjoying my last few days before school starts again (umm sadly no, they tell me I have to go to work now) so I guess I either look old and wise or like I belong in high school?*

Since I've been ignoring my little bloggy here due to the festivities (which continue tonight with my amazing Dad's birthday!) I thought I'd share a few pictures of the big day/week. Big thanks to everyone who made it such a special and memorable birthday!!

Night out with some of my favorite people, LOVE these girls

Sometimes we buy the exact same shoes and wear them out.
It's not weird, ok???

A big ole' Happy Birthday to me!
Michael Kors just gets me.

This is Callan's dog Henry. He loves to snuggle. We're best friends.
(blurry picture because Sir Henry didn't listen when I told him to look at the camera)

Birthday dinner with my family at Gibbet Hill, the BEST food you'll ever eat.

Kickass Cupcakes provided the dessert for the evening.
If you haven't been there yet, shame on you!

Sometimes we go out and get two orders of
Fried Mac and Cheese Bites and never look back

Papa Beer, Mama Beer, Baby Beer
At least I think I'm clever, right?

Finishing off the celebrations right with my sistah wifey

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