Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Hurricane Sandy - It's gonna rain!

Experiencing Sandy on our roof deck
As I'm sure all people with access to cable and the internet know, yesterday big bad Sandy finally blew into town.

And I was prepared!

Sunday night I set up all my electronics to charge because I was definitely not going to be caught without the ability to watch movies, read my Nook, and use my beloved iPhone (sad, I know but a girl's got to Tweet yo).

After not being able to justify skipping work in the morning (it was barely raining and I was convinced it was a conspiracy) I finally bailed at 3 because it was getting mighty blustery out there and Sandy looked like she meant business.

At home my roommates and I set up our Sandy Survival materials in case of a power outage. Then we faithfully sat on the couch using up as much electricity as we could until Sandy forced us pull out candles and Monopoly to entertain ourselves.

Boston was extremely lucky and didn't get hit nearly as hard as other cities and thankfully we never lost power at our house. Hopefully all my friends down in NJ, CT, and NY are ok and can get back on their feet soon!

Club Belmont Survival Preparedness Kit
(trademark on this name pending - we're pretty witty) 
1. Bucket of leftover Halloween candy to keep energy high. 2. My Irish Wellies for trips up to the roof to check on Sandy.
3. Lots of Vino 4. A million tea lights all over the apartment in case we lost power.
A rainy/blurry/grainy picture of Sandy doing her best on Boston from our roof deck.

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