Friday, May 31, 2013

Outdoor Living Time!

This weekend is going to be the first summer weather weekend we've had and I'm beyond excited. I have big plans for lounging on that roof deck of mine and hope to do some work outside to make improved lounging areas for the summer months.

I have visions of solar powered lanterns, painting an old table so I'm not scared to touch it anymore, cleaning chairs, and maybe even clearing out some weeds so our "backyard" can be utilized to it's fullest. A roof deck party is in the near future...ready yourselves frands.

Happy Friday and Happy Weekend!

• Rattan Ball String Lights • Ladder Ball • Adirondack Chair • Solar Lantern • Red Serving Collection • Patterned Pots • Garden Stool • Eloise Scalloped Table • Textured Stone Planter • Mason Jar Drink Dispenser •

Thursday, May 30, 2013


It was another active night of sleep for little ole me.

I was texting with the beau before bed and watching Arrested Development as I fell asleep (I'm in the middle of binge watching it) and apparently felt I should continue the conversation whilst sleeping.

I'm a pretty talented sleeper if I do say so myself.

Why would I text just the word "Grievance"? Great question!

I'm not really sure because the only dream I remember involved me practicing with the Boston Symphony and then being chased by an ostrich that escaped from the zoo. Maybe I had a grievance with the ostrich for chasing me?

The only explanation I can think of is that I heard the word on Arrested Development but I can't explain why I decided I needed to text it to my man friend.

I do weird things in my sleep guys. I wonder if I was up to anything else last night that I didn't leave evidence of. I should really sign up for a sleep study.

PS - Yes, we text on an app called Avocado. It's romantic(?). They tell me that "Avocado trees don’t self-pollinate — they need another tree nearby to bear fruit. The fruit itself grows in pairs on the trees, and Avocados are Aztec symbols of love & fertility." And if you know me, you know that I'm all about being romantic and expressing feelings (sarcasm). But it has some really nice features that goes beyond texting that's handy for significant others and it's how I cope with our period of long distance. All the cool kids are doing it...

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Memorial Day Weekend

Kicking back on the roof deck

This past Memorial Day Weekend I was both dreading and excited for. I had four days to relax but I'm the type of person who's not an all star at having too much free time. What do I do with myself?? I get so antsy!

All of the roomies were away for the weekend (as were most of my people) which meant I had our six bedroom, two floor apartment to myself and I found myself floating all over the place. At one point I even succeeded in creating a fort with my beanbag chair for optimal Magic Mike viewing...boom.

Unfortunately I let my anxiety get to me and started the weekend out kind of bummed. I wasn't able to visit the beau due to a series of events that ruined original plans and it was supposed to rain everyday but Monday....llllaaaammmeeee. So I decided the only option for my rainy Friday night alone was Chinese food, copious amounts of wine, and an impulse purchase (which the roomies strongly judged me on upon it's arrival yesterday and I think are nervous to leave me alone for extended periods again).

It's a pillow that looks like a birch log! What's not to love you guys?

The rest of the weekend was spent visiting the fam, making a wine-induced "this is a great idea!" Etsy shop, Netflix marathon-ing, puppy visiting, shopping date with my favorite enabler, my first ever 5 mile run (I know, I was surprised this happened too), and some roof deck lounging when the weather finally turned around Monday.

This handsome guy was my date one night. His name is Henry and we're in love.

All in all a not too shabby weekend in hindsight! Though to be honest I can't wait till I get a NYC visit in because I had big plans for a NYC summer and I refuse to let them go.

Happy short work week everyone!

* Question for any website savvy friends: Lately when I try and post pictures that are portrait they get distorted...anyone know how to fix this?? You just can't capture Henry in all his cute glory when he's squished like that Blogger!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

I'm prettttyyyy good at fitness...

Yesterday not only did I go on a 3 mile run - it's still getting worse, anyone know when running will stop being painful and start being fun again? - but roommate McQ and I also hit the courts to play some bball.

What?? So many activities!

I talked big game on our walk to the courts "Hey! Did you know I was on an intramural coed basketball team in college? Technically it was only because their girl got mono at the last minute but I was their second choice in a moment of need!" And if that doesn't instill confidence in you I just don't know what will.

We shot some hoops and a good time was had by all though McQ did say that on a scale of 1 to Michael Jordan I was a modest two if my knees didn't buckle. So watch your back Michael Jordan!

I like to think I looked a lot like this graceful lady:

But on two separate occasions my face ran interference for the ball and I'm pretty sure I didn't look as cool on the court as I hoped to.

Hopefully this summer we get more time on the courts with other roomie KRo so that it's a more balanced girls vs. boys and I can use it as an excuse to get out of some runs because that's exercise too!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Mama Duck and Ducklings - Life Lately

A Mama Duck and her ducklings have taken up residency in the courtyard at work and it's probably the best thing that'll happen this week. Look at those cuties! I keep trying to find excuses to walk by the windows to see if I can find them because they melt my heart!

In other news...

I'm a day late for a weekend recap but I can't resist. This weekend I was blessed with some fabulous and supportive new friends. The beau's group of friends have taken me into their circle in his absence and I couldn't be happier.

They're such a fun group who are always down for good food and drinks - we're basically soul mates. I was inaugurated with a "BBQ" aka an incredible meal of steak, lobster, sausage, and salads. The night then proceeded with a night out at some of my favorite places where I met even more people and at one point there was even a "friend" chant - these people are the bomb. The next night I was invited out again for more drinking debauchery, ending with late night falafel. Heaven!

It was basically weekend perfection and even though I miss the beau terribly, weekends apart won't be unbearable with new friends and, of course, my beloved circle of roomies and lovely ladies. The two groups must collide as one to make an unstoppable group me thinks.

I wish I had pictures of the incredible BBQ but I was too shy to whip out my camera in front of the new crowd to document my food (awkward, I know). Though I did quickly document my lazy Sunday as I was recovering from half marathon training (it seems to be getting worse - my calves are now rejecting me) and also a quick snapshot of baby brother going to prom. When did he get so old??

The dinner of meals really went downhill after the BBQ (not pictured: pint of frozen yogurt - this is how all half marathoners to be train I'm pretty sure)

Friday, May 17, 2013

This is how I cope...

The beau is officially gone for the summer...wahh!

So in preparation for NYC weekends I thought it was important to peruse my weekender bag options. Priorities over here.

These are my current favorites (apparently I have a thing for stripes right now) but I think I'm going to go with the J.Crew Canvas Overnight Bag based on price point and due to the fact that the size will prevent me from trying to bring everything I own with me on my travels. Even though I'm still lusting after the Kate Spade Saturday one...

Kate Spade Saturday Weekender  J.Crew Canvas Overnight Bag  Anthropologie Nantucket Weekender    J.Crew Rail and Wharf 48-Hour Duffle  Sole Society Cassidy  Slone Ranger Denim Stripe Weekender  


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Lonely Hearts Club

Tomorrow the beau leaves for three months and I am less than pleased.

While I'm excited for him and this opportunity (and the fact that visiting NYC a bunch of weekends this summer will be a lot of fun) I'm giving myself 24 hours to be a mope about it and I don't care what anyone says. So there.

Ok, with that out of my system there's good news!

I am accepting applications to join my Lonely Hearts Club (trademark pending). Currently, roommate McQ has his lady friend out of town the same time of the beau's initial departure so he's earned himself the first slot. Congratulations McQ!

Following that, my other darling roommate E has her man friend out of town at the end of June so she's entered the honorable second slot. That time will be filled with lots of running dates, dates on the couch in our running clothes with wine in our hands cus we didn't quite make it on that run, and crafting - we're going to chalkboard paint the life out of anything we can get our hands on.

Basically what I'm saying is that the Lonely Hearts Club is the most fun you could have and you should hang out with me all the time. Because look at how fun I am!

I take my best pictures post run.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day Weekend

It's Monday again! Womp.

Luckily I had one of my beloved three day weekends and I spent it wisely frands. Friday was gorgeous out and the beau and I had a much needed spa date and then wandered aimlessly around Cambridge because it was too nice to be inside (and he leaves for three months this week and I'm sad and make him do fun things with me).

The rest of the weekend was a mixture of drinks and snacks at a new discovery, seeing the new Iron Man movie, learning that I make a mean potato latke, lounging on the couch with Netflix, and spending some quality time with the fam for Mother's Day/Grammy's Birthday. - Basically nailed the weekend if I do say so myself.

My favorite part of Mother's Day was when my Grandmother started pulling out old baby pictures and old pictures of herself and my Grampy. Hearing stories about how they met and seeing pictures of my Grampy when he was in the Navy always makes me happy.

Hope you all had equally wonderful weekends!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

"Umm...why are you all dressed the same?"

The only thing my mom wanted for Mother's Day this year was a family portrait. And who are we to let down our mother? Despite the fact that we got asked why we were so matchy-matchy more than once while out to dinner post our family portrait session. And Papa Dukes was always ready with the classic "We're in a band!" response - just feel free to pass that whole bottle of wine my way you guys.

My mom's friend, Traci McCabe, took really beautiful pictures and is an extremely talented photographer. We had a beautiful day to be outside and my brother really got everyone in the spirit by trying to photo bomb everyone at every opportunity and calling himself "Mr. GQ". I could even get on board with some of the more cliche family portrait poses because who doesn't love a little cheese in their lives? If I had to pick one thing that I didn't love it was the matching factor.

I've long had a strict policy against it and have fought it in family pictures for years. I even tried to talk people into the "same color palette but different actual shirts" route but in the name of Mother's Day I eventually gave in.

I do really love a lot of the pictures and I'm happy to have some nice pictures with my brothers (since we rarely get us all in the same place at once anymore). And in the end, the most important thing is that these pictures make my mom supremely happy and she loves them and that's all that really matters (and I was able to make an emoticon of myself from one of them for my work friends to enjoy).

So without further adieu I present to you...matching family portrait day!!

And if you live in Massachusetts and need a photographer I HIGHLY recommend Traci. She's incredible and the sweetest person you'll ever meet. She offers a lot of services so check her out!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

It seems like I post about this a lot but...

We spent another night at Fenway Park!!

It was one of the first truly warm spring days and it stayed warm through the whole game which couldn't have made me happier.

The beau even got us some sweet seats right behind the dugout where they brought the beer and hot dogs right to our seats which means I didn't have to get up from my cushioned seat once AKA - my dream come true. That guy knows me well.

Sadly my beloved Red Sox lost but it was still a fun night out and easily one of my favorite warm weather activities.

Stay tuned frands...the awkwardy family portrait pictures have been posted online for my viewing pleasure and I'm picking some of my favorites to share here tomorrow. We hit a lot of the cliches and I can't wait to show us off in all our matching glory!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Weekend Celebrations

This weekend was full of celebrations. We had a surprise birthday party for one of my loves, a night out to pretend like we knew what was going on with the Kentucky Derby, and a combo Cinco de Mayo/anniversary with the beau.

I wish I had taken more pictures of all the partying but I was too caught up to keep taking my iPhone out and that's the sign of a successful weekend in my book frands.

Hope everyone had an equally joyous weekend!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Happy Friday!

Well it's been quite the week. I signed up for a half marathon because I succumbed to peer pressure, got some big news that has been emotionally draining, and now it's the birthday of one of my nearest and dearest!

But let's go back to that half marathon statement for a second.

A combination of the majority of my friends signing up for it and me needing a summer activity to throw myself into left me $95 poorer and looking at a training schedule in terror. I've technically never run more than 3.5 miles at one time so most of training is probably going to look a lot like this:


In other news, I woke up to a text containing this video and it's probably the best way to start a Friday. Enjoy and happy weekend!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Food Discovery - Pig Tails!

I'll let you decide on you're own but I'm going to go ahead and call this one of the best, accidental internet discoveries ever. Top ten easily.

I give you....Pig Tails! (name courtesy of the beau's roommate during a serious brainstorming session)

Stick spaghetti through hot dogs, make an amazing homemade tomato sauce, and cover with cheese.

You are so very welcome.