Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Wait...did we just cross the border to Mexico?

On our final night in scenic El Paso a coworker and I decided to stop by the Rio Grande for a picture after work and then we were going to meet other people for some delicious Mexican food.

Sounds like a great plan, right? My coworker had been there before so it should be a quick 20 minutes roundtrip detour. Tourist activities!

So off we went and as we're getting off the highway, which I just blindly trusted was correct (mistake), I notice that we're suddenly being funneled through what looks a WHOLE lot like the border and there's no other option but to drive through it.

In my head I start to think this probably isn't the right way because I was told there was a parking lot with a viewpoint and this is not what I was currently witnessing but, hey - this guy has to know what he's doing (mistake).

And then we drove under this:

Uuuhhhhh. Pretty sure we just entered Mexico.

Which would be fun other than the fact that:
1. Juarez is well known as an incredibly dangerous place - chock full or murders and kidnappings
2. Neither of us had our passports because neither of us had any intentions of going to Juarez.

We finally turned around and see this beautiful sign and realize "Yup, we just left the country...welllll hope we can get back in!"

Bad picture but we were driving and desperately trying to reenter the country. It says "Welcome to the United States of America" trust me.

After a long chat with the guard at the border and some serious questions and car searching he graciously allowed us back in so we could make it to dinner. He did leave us with the recommendation of: "Next time you leave the country, you might want to think about bringing your passports."

Oops! Sorry sir, we're apparently morons.

And after all that this is the only view of the Rio Grande I got. See it there? Through the five layers of fencing? Yea, me neither.

So after a nerve racking 15 minutes thinking I was trapped in Mexico and would be kidnapped by cartels we finished our evening with some serious margaritas and tacos and a mariachi band (just sticking with the Mexico theme I guess).

See ya never El Paso!

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