Monday, July 29, 2013

Antique Treasures

Now maybe this is my inner 80 year old speaking but I love a good antique barn.

Knowing this and the fact that it was going to rain most of Friday, Papa Dukes was kind enough to plot an antiquing route around the lake for us to explore (he's a good one that dad of mine). He happily drove us around and wandered through at least eight shops with us. We got some history lessons from adorable shop owners and I snagged a couple little things - a jewelry dish, candle plate, and flower print.

There were so many dishes and bowls and glassware pieces that I was dying to have but unfortunately don't have the space for right now so I put them on my wishlist for when I hopefully have my own place that I can decorate from scratch one day.

On our drive back we made our obligatory stop at The Old Country Store. We've been going there since as far back as I can remember when we'd come up to stay at our grandparents time share. This place has been in business since 1781 and is chock full of pickles, giant wheels of cheese, penny candy, and copious amount of knick knacks.

Happy last day of vacation family!

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