Saturday, June 29, 2013

Cattleman's - A Night in the Desert

Yesterday we ended work at a reasonable hour for the first time all week and because it was Friday we decided to make the trip into the desert to get dinner at Cattleman's.

Cattleman's was described to me as a place that serves a meal called "The Cowboy" which is a 2 lb steak. While I'm more of a modest 6 oz kinda gal I figure if you're going to be stuck in Texas for a week than you better be damned sure to get a good steak while you're here.

So we all piled into the Ford Fusion and drove off into the sunset. It was a really nice drive with some beautiful Texas scenery and cows and horses and what I decided looked like antelope. And we were all having a nice time chatting and enjoying our free night.

My attempt at photographing the animals in a car moving 80 mph

Until suddenly we realized it had been about 30 minutes longer a ride than we'd thought... And we had no cell service to check GPS to see if we were lost... And we drove through a US Customs and Border Control Checkpoint ensuring that we were all American... And we noticed that our phones were now an hour ahead because we'd somehow managed to unintentionally cross time zones... And it was getting mighty dark on that lonely "highway".

So we decided to drive another 15 minutes until we found enough cell service to use our GPS and to our dismay we discovered we were over 2 hours away from the restaurant!!!!

What??? How does that even happen?

This is what being lost in the desert looks like. Not pictured: the birds attacking our car for 15 minutes, only two actually succeeded in hitting the car.

We finally got ourselves going the right direction and two hours and a gas stop later we were finally back in Home Sweet El Paso. Cattleman's had long since closed and we were all so tired from our 4 HOUR ROUNDTRIP journey that we just went to Chili's because it was closest to our hotel. Alllllmost the same as a good ole fashioned Texas steakhouse? Nope.

That's ok though because we're coming for you after work tomorrow Cattleman's! We're not giving up that easy!

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